It looks like I’m going to make Breakfast at the Shangra-la a Sunday breakfast regular. Here is a sample of the landscaping at the front of the lobby.

It looks like they have introduced a mascot for the hotel. I’m not sure what it’s suppose to be, some kind of bird I suppose.

After breakfast I took a cab to the SM Mall which was about a 25 minute ride. On almost every major corner there were these guys selling water and peanuts.

Last week I saw a girl about 5 years old dodging traffic trying to sell what looked to be cleaning rags. It was sad to see that her parents (if she has any) let her go into such a dangerous situation to try and make some money.

The SM Mall is not the biggest mall here but it’s pretty good sized. Big enough to have a train go through giving children a ride around the mall.

I later saw a Toyota sales store front. I went in just to check the prices, A 2024 SUV total price was 21,000 USD. I wonder what a used one would go for or if it’s even worth it.

So when it was time to go I grabbed a taxi from the long line of taxis to make my trip home. There is no shortage of taxis here in the Philippines.

I hope to go diving again soon, maybe I’ll have pictures for you this time. This is a shot my diving partner took on our first dive.

On a side note, I went to a chiropractor and he said my pain is not structural but muscular, he is treating me with adjustments muscle therapy and Acupuncture (what a pain in the butt). My pain is getting better, I think its partially due to Ibeprofin as well as his therapy.

2 Responses

  1. Thanks for the updates. Wonder why/how Toyotas are cheaper there than here – but you’re doing good sticking with taxis. Great pics – enjoy!

    1. Hey Jim,

      I’m thinking that they are cheaper for two reasons. 1. they don’t have to be transported as far as the USA to get to market. 2. That’s what the market for each country will bear. It makes me wonder how much profit the companies in the USA are getting, especially since they are now being make them in the USA for the USA market. This saves on shipping cost.