Well, as some you have mentioned, it’s been a while since my last post. First let me apologize to most of you for let you know what’s been going on lately. About two weeks ago I passed out again, thankfully I was in my apartment. I was sitting on the balcony when I felt my sugar level drop suddenly, I quickly went to the kitchen to grab some peanut butter but hit the floor instead. I don’t know how long I was out but checked my sugar level and it was 114, which is pretty good. I called my doctor and he asked to see me at the hospital the next day. He admitted me to the hospital where I stayed for 5 days. They ran all kinds of test, strapped a heart monitor to me, ran a CAT Scan and an EEG. All came back normal. The doctor thinks it could have been low blood sugar.

So I’ve been out of the hospital for about a week and a half with no episodes 🙂 I check my blood sugar throughout the day and it seems to be closer to normal (98-120) than it has ever been. My blood pressure seems to have come down to a normal range as well (120/75).

The best explanation I can give is that I had only had a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast, had gone to the gym for about 30 minutes then went back to the condo. I guess I just need more protein than that.

Friendly EMT that helped transport me to get my EEG done.

The nurses and staff were all great, I really appreciate their positive attitudes! As a result of this experience I realized that if this happened to me at the mall or just in the street, no one would have any medical information about me. So I started working on a plan :).

I created a medical ID badge that can be scanned with a smart phone and it has my Emergency contact, My name, medical history, doctors name and number, preferred hospital and lists my meds. They say the mother of innovation is necessity. I hope I never need this, but I have if I do!

All this to say, I’m ok and hope nothing like this happens again:) . It’ll be a while before I travel anywhere, I plan on getting Doctors approval first. I Hope you are all doing well and don’t forget.

Keep living your best life,
