I haven’t written anything lately mainly because I don’t have much to report. I guess the biggest news is that I decided to not persue the Philippine Real Estate website. Unfortunatly, the developer didn’t take the project seriously enough to complete the agreed upon time table for each phase delivery. After the fourth week in a row of asking for another week extension (for a 2-4 week Phase), it did not seem feasible to continue. I realized that the website development would be the easy part, getting the buy in from the Real Estate community would be the biggest challenge. I’d met several real estate agents and they all seem interested in the project but I didn’t see them interested enough to get enthusiastic about participating in adding their properties to the site. So the long and the short of it is, no website is in my future. I’m hoping to go diving next week, If you haven’t checked out my latest underwater photos, do so!
Keep living your best life!